Some of my favourite Links & Resources:

A great site that publishes the work of up & coming authors (go submit!) as well as reviewing new books, interviewing authors, & offering comps & critiques. Australian based but open to all readers & writers.

Fantastic site full of resources, links, interviews, information and lots of other stuff for children's authors - beautiful artwork too.

A fantastic site where you can critique, and be critiqued, by other writers.

Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. SCBWI is a fantastic resource for anyone serious about writing children's books. I belong to the Australian & New Zealand branch. They have branches all over the world and offer an amazing amount of support & information.

Great book, great website. Living simply, needing less, being healthier, re-connecting to our Earth. Who doesn't need to do all of that? Both the book and the website should be in everyone's favourites.

The World Wide Fund for Nature's website. If you care at all about the Earth, go here. Now.

Interested in the best way to garden and grow food in a low-effort, Earth-friendly way? This is the site you need.

This blog covers it all - writing tips, social-media use, query letters. I recommend signing up for it ASAP.

The NaNoWriMo for children's writers. Write an idea/sketch/outline for a Picture Book each day during the month. A great way to get a mass of ideas to work on and develop over the year thanks to Tara Lazar - great blog too. PiBoIdMo = Picture Book Ideas Month

Write 50,000 words in November. A world-wide challenge where crazy people sign up to write a novel (or most of one) in 30 days. I failed on my first attempt in 2013 but this year I will prevail! NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month

A great site for networking, reading blogs, meeting authors and illustrators.

A challenge where you must write & submit one story weekly OR monthly. Good for people who need some motivation to write regularly.